Octogamex is a decentralized NFT marketplace developed for GameFi and Metaverse crypto projects.
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Let the game consume you, Octies.
One of the main goals of Octogamex is to create a unique ecosystem for both gamers and crypto enthusiasts that will allow you to buy, sell and exchange your NFTs with great convenience. It will also allow you to freely share your achievements and experience with NFT projects with the community. Thus, Octogamex aims to bring together the diverse collections of NFT games minted on different platforms in one place with a user-friendly interface.
Our team works as hard as our
products do
products do

Oleksandr Bodnar
Anatolii Bilokon
Dmytro Zarezenko
Bogdan Shubin
Ivan Voznyy
Galimian Minnegaliev
Content Manager
Vlada Suleimanova
Community Manager
Andriy Kryvenko
SMM Manager
Illia Solotvinskyi
Anastasiia Pidhurska
Project Manager
Olexander Rusavsky
Blockchain/Full stack developer
Mykhailo Marchuk
Blockchain Developer
Andriy Sokhrin
Frontend developer
Vladislav Pelykh
Frontend developer
Olena Pohrebniak
Frontend developer
Olha Velhus
UI/UX Designer
Olha Kadynska
Lead QA
Olexander Kosholap
Junior QA