Ukraine’s Angels
Ukraine's Angels are our initiative to help the unbreakable Ukrainian people. This special NFT collection is designed to improve the current humanitarian situation in Ukraine.
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Help Ukrainians - become an angel!
By purchasing NFTs from Ukraine's Angels collection, you are saving lives. Your financial assistance will help support those who need it most: the wounded, refugees, and all other Ukrainians who have suffered from severe Russian aggression. Each NFT depicts a heroic defender of Ukraine, either a man or a woman, in front of one of the world's most famous landmarks. This project is part of a rapid response package that the ElephantsLab team has undertaken to help our nation at this difficult and defining time. Let's fight together using blockchain technology!
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Oleksandr Bodnar
Anatolii Bilokon
Dmytro Zarezenko
Bogdan Shubin
Andriy Kryvenko
Sofiia Yanchuk
Liudmyla Oleksiichuk
Veronika Kasiyan
Anastasiia Pidhurska
Olexander Rusavsky
Valentyn Oliynyk
Danylo Novosolov
Olena Pohrebniak
Vladislav Pelykh
Oleksandr Yakymchyk
Serhii Kondratiuk